We understand if you don't donate, but we won't stop asking. ;)

Dear Potential Sponsor,
The students of the Conroe High School Orchestra, are a diverse group of young musicians who are dedicated to developing their musical talents while balancing academic responsibilities. They take pride in representing their school and community, embodying qualities such as leadership, resilience, and a positive attitude. Their participation in the orchestra not only enriches their musical abilities but also fosters personal growth, preparing them to excel in all areas of life.
Our purpose is to provide the necessary support for all Orchestra and Mariachi activities and programs. Our fundraising efforts supplement the orchestra program to enhance the experience for our students and their families.
Support the Conroe High School Orchestra Booster Club with your sponsorship today! Every dollar raised is solely used for the benefit of the orchestra program. We have 200+ families that attend our events regularly. This is a great opportunity for local businesses to support Fine Arts and hard-working students while getting their name out there.
The CHS Booster Club is an IRS-approved 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit organization, which means your gift or donation is tax-deductible. Upon request and with appreciation, we will send you a receipt and personal acknowledgment of your contribution. Remember to check if your company matches donations made to not-for-profit organizations and help us even more!
To become a sponsor or donor, we ask you to donate and complete the attached sponsor form. Donations of any size will be accepted; however, there are benefits tied to specific sponsorship levels.
Monica Hoang
CTO Booster President

-Name listed in our Newsletter
-Subscription to the Newsletter
-Name featured in the Concert Programs
-Friends of CTO benefits +
-Name listed in a Facebook Post
-Name listed on the Sponsor Page
-Ovation benefits +
-Concert Programs are elevated to include your logo
-Facebook Post & Sponsor Page are all elevated to include your logo & link to your website
-Bravo benefits +
-4 Reserved Seats at Concerts
-Your logo and link also posted to the CTO Homepage
-Encore benefits +
-Recognition as a special sponsor to the Scholarship Fund at our End of Year Banquet
Anyone can donate to support Conroe Tiger Orchestra, not just businesses. We made the "Friends of CTO" tier to cater to families that want to show their support. You are always more than welcome to donate more. If desired, we can include a family picture instead of a logo.
To pay by check, download the Sponsorship Form by clicking the icon. Then mail your check and form to the address listed on the form. Please don't forget to write the name of the student who told you about the program on the form.